Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm pretty sure the most obscure thing that has crossed my mind is the fact that no matter what a person looks like, if they're gorgeous, grotesque, tall, short, obese, skinny, everyone will have some sort of a sex life.

In Sociology, I learned that there are only two natural feelings person has, sex and aggression. Now, since everybody naturally has a sexual feeling, that means that at some point in their life, a person is going to have sex (or masturbate, whatever toots their horn). Thats almost common sense actually. But then I applied that thought while just watching people. By working in such an open environment in the mall, I notice a lot of people. Some of whom, I would have rather preferred not to notice at all. There are mainly just a lot of bizzare people. Now, what goes through my mind now, is how on earth these couples came to meet and odly enough, what their sex is like. And I don't say that in a perverted, fetish-y way, I'm just curious. A friend who took Human Sexuality told me that in a survey of her class, 34/36 people were not virgins proving the fact that everybody has sex. Some people flaunt that and others keep it to themselves. Through closer examination, people more open to flaunting their sexual interactions are also more likely to fall apart as a couple. Partner A talks to Friend C about their sex with Partner B. Intrigued, Friend C and Partner A have sex. Partner B finds out and beats both of their asses. Sex wasn't meant to be a pastime, which is why relationships should be decided on more than how good someone is in the 'sack.

So, if a person craves sex, then a person is normal. If a person wants only sex from their partner, then they are an asshole. And if a person can accept the fact that a relationship should not be focused on how much sex they have, then good God, there might be hope.

So it's not bad to have sex. It's bad to be stupid and have sex. Because when you're stupid, you fall into holes.

I still can't sleep, look at the time stamp it's almost 5AM. My paycheck is weaksauce, 18 hours bullshit. I rock at driving in the snow/ice. Maybe it's genetics because my real dad drives RallySport. Work tomorrow 4PM-11PM, I hope it doesn't snow and I REALLY hope the wind doesn't blow me over. Remember that skate competition I was stoked for? Yeah, no. Got cancled last minute and moved to tomorrow and I won't be able to make it. I really want to quit Ben&Jerrys soon, pay sucks, hours sucks, people suck, never work with Mike anymore, so everything SUCKS. Get me out of the mall, good grief. Or at least out of the damn food court, too many regulations. Almost done Christmas shopping, YEAH MAN. I'm ready for it to be summer.

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