Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daily philosophy

So I'm sitting down eating breakfast this morning and I think to myself, for no reason in particular, when did love begin? After a couple healthy spoonfulls of Reeses Puffs, I had my answer. Love existed. Before Cosmo quizzes, hallmark cards, even before man could write "I love you," love existed. That then continued on to when I was eating a snack before dinner, how does one distinguish the difference between "love" and "like". Well that came to me easilky as well, you like someone because they're fun to be with. There's no, "because you make me smile.." crap. I like you because you are fun to be with. End of story. But love, love is a different story. When you love someone in an intimate-partner relationship, you don't just think they're fun to be with. They are more than that. When you love someone, they pretty much embody everything in the world that you find beautiful.

So when a girl asks me why I like her, it's a simple question with a simple answer. There's no need for a thorough, over complex answer. Then again, she says "why do you like me" and really means "tell me how much you like me" but thats when I tell her about love. Yeah, man. Love. It's a beautiful thing and just like a beautiful flower, you need to water and take care of it. Just know that one day it might die and you can't prop it up on no popsicle sticks, just accept it. New seasons come by and flowers grow back.

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