Thursday, April 2, 2009

You know,
I bet you're just that love type
where I could fall in love with you
like, a definite love, type love
where I could know now that
we could be together for the longest love type love
and I could even imagine myself being married to you
despite all the awkwardness
and actually seeing each other grow up and out of
this teenage phase type love
because you're just THAT different to the point
where it makes me smile
for no abosolute reason whatsoever
other than that your personality,
combined with your physical attributes,
and even damn, just the way you smell
sets you apart from every single other person in the world
and I'm going to miss that
because I know that I'll never have you
I knew it all from the begining
but I didn't know that I would end up catching legitimate feelings.
How pathetic.

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