Monday, December 1, 2008

Just That Sexy,

great song. (Unrelated)

So recently, mainly in the early mornings and late at night, I've been thinking how I kind of miss the "relationship" thing. Then again, theres so much reason not to have that. In seven months, I'll be done with highschool and starting real life. Do I really want to start something I might not get to finish? Even if I did, will that distract me from my goals? But they say, everybody needs a somebody.

I wish that I knew what I know now,
when I was younger

I've decided to make my preferred schools UCSF, UNLV, and UW. Even though I'm terrified to live out of state, I think it'll be best for everything if I do. I've lived in Washington my entire life and it's all I know how to do, if that makes sense. In order to get where I want to be, I need to just close my eyes, walk over to the edge, and jump. Metaphorically, of course. No matter what city I end up living in though, I'm bringing my fixie 8)

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