Saturday, July 4, 2009

I often think to myself, what goes on in the world that I don't know about?
and not just "I" as in me, but "I" as in
the general public, if that makes sense
I figure that at any given point in a day,
somebody's life is a complete shit
or on the flipside, someone had the most incredible day of their life
so that leaves me to wonder,
if terrors and miracles can happen at any given time,
what about epic situations that people keep secret?
Like, for all I know, a secret organization like the Men in Black
or whatever the fuck one was in The Da Vinci Code is meeting right now
there could be a secret war that people don't know about
all we do is live our lives, pushing paper
and keeping society moving
maybe so we DON'T pay attention to the things we shouldn't.
I just have to wonder though,
what goes on when the world is asleep?

and another thing, completely irrelevant
You're an idiot sometimes, but I swear, I love you.

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