Thursday, July 2, 2009

So I'm sitting at work today
bored as shit, you know
since NOBODY comes through until I'm about to close
and I'm thinking to myself
What is my next step going to be from this?
Because I don't want to stay at this bottom level,
minimum wage, part time job forever.
What I really end up thinking about is
What do I want out of life?
All I really want is to be happy and make
others happy in my own way
that doesn't mean I'm going to dedicate my life to that shit
cause you know, I'm not down with that
I wish I could just wake up and know instantly
what I was going to do for the rest of my life,
where I'm going to end up, who I'm going to end up with
but life doesn't exactly go that way
so until then,
I'm going to sit here and wonder,
what is it that I want out of life
how am I going to get there
where is it
who will be with me
and lastly,

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