Friday, December 5, 2008

Mission accomplished

I got my Alpha350K today! Dedication DOES pay off. DO WORK!

I had a conference with my writing teacher today, I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a moron. I really didn't notice how bad I've been doing in her class until now, I mean I know I did shitty on the essays but thats because her topics were shitty in the first place. Well that, and the fact that I did them all within 12 hours of their due date. I kind of realized then, that I'm currently taking three intense classes, maybe not as intense as Calculus and whatnot, but enough to make me Do Work. So relieved that I'm only doing Speech and Economics next quarter, it'll make Guitar and Total Fitness so much more enjoyable.

Then comes the big worries, college. Credit-wise, I'm in good standing. That stupid culminating project might slow me down a little though, I need to get it done A.S.A.P. but I can't Do Work until they unlock the damn website. The 'hell do the expect us to finish it if it's READ ONLY? I'm so embarrassed about my SAT scores. I really didn't expect to be working the night before, so maybe thats why I was so tired. Maybe I should've studied. But still, I'm sure I'll get accepted into my first or second choice schools. SFSU, man! I'm thinking already how sad I'm going to be, to leave everything and everyone I have here in Washington behind and start over in San Francisco (Or UNLV!). The 'Boys have been the brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles nearby that I've never had. We'll all come back together again eventually though, so lets not worry about that now.

A while ago in Sociology, I learned that the only feelings that are completely natural are sex and aggression. Therefore, I have no shame in saying, if I don't get one of them sometime soon, I'm definately going to feel the other.

Just kidding! It would be nice to have a lady-friend though.

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